Blog How can I discover my own fashion sense ?

How can I discover my own fashion sense?

What does it mean to develop one’s own fashion sense? 

Increasingly, youth today are becoming more fashion-conscious right across the region However, with this comes the dilution of style and conformance where fashion is concerned.

How can I develop my own style and stand apart? Let us explore what it entails, in the course of this blog post. 

At Cosmos Beauty Salon, where hair, beauty and style are concerned, before all else, we feel that it is essential for you to identify what your identity is. You know yourself best, not anyone else. This makes it both challenging and easy to hone in on the look that suits you best. We say this because, as women, sometimes we tend to be critical of our appearance and what we wear. 

Before anything else, get the basics right. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You are a woman, your beauty and potential are unlimited when channeled correctly, and the world is indeed your oyster! As you look in the mirror, embrace your features, your complexion, your curves, your imperfections, and everything about you. Next, start working on what suits you best.

Start with research!

Research! It is just as important to carry out extensive research in developing a unique fashion sense, as it is to properly execute a business plan. 

Go through magazines, fashion-related websites, blog posts, and anything available, to arrive at a few ideas on what the latest fashion trends are. You can filter your search based on celebrities and personalities you admire for being style icons, general varieties of fashion that you enjoy, colours you tend to pick, as well as shapes, necklines, prints, sleeve lengths and dress lengths you have an inkling will suit you well. These choices will also be influenced by what you’ve worn successfully and comfortably in the past. 

Where can I try them?

Now that you’ve noted down what you intend trying on, you can go about selecting these items of clothing, accessories, a store. What you are about to try may be drastically different from the types of clothing you felt looked good on you all these years. 

And, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from shop assistants. Some of them are trained and possess a keen eye for fashion through years of experience.

Also, you may have previously walked right past certain clothing sections, not believing they suited you. But you are at the store to expand your comfort zone, and so all you should worry about is trying these clothes on and assessing how you feel.

Take a good long look at yourself in these new items of clothing. You’ve done well already! You’ll start to take a liking to some of them gradually. 

What do I do after trying them on?

It might be difficult, but select just one of them. A revolution takes time usually, and it is the same with discovering a unique fashion-sense. It takes a lot of courage to change habits, especially where your look and dress sense are involved. So it is perfectly alright to select and buy just one piece of clothing from your potential look. 

At Cosmos Beauty Salon, we espouse an attitude of boldness and uninhibited creative expression at all times. So we encourage each of you to develop your own style when it comes to clothing.

From now on, be bold, be confident, and develop your own fashion statement, image and personality.